Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Loner HALF WAY Mark! and Harper's Ferry

Loner has posted nine more videos starting at Front Royal, VA, going through Harper's Ferry, WV and Boiling Springs, PA.  Turtles, snakes, deer.... The Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Washington Monument and many historical sites in Virginia and Maryland.  For you class of 2013 thru-hikers - shots of the very cool and amazing shelters in VA and Maryland along with lots of views and some famous spots on the AT.  Trains, towns, trains, hostels, The Place and a whole lot more.  I haven't watched them all yet so will add more later.  And he did a video review of his hammock and tarp setup for those gearhounds out there.

It wasn't all fun and games,  Jeff hiked twenty miles on two back to back days in over 100 degree heat and then got sick for three days, either from hiking that much or from drinking bad water or from both.  Those mid-Atlantic states haven't received all the rain that we've had here in the east so their water spots may be drying up. 
Jeff also hit a record number of milestones on this leg of the journey,  I bet each one  was a different kind of adrenaline rush, hiking 1,000 miles - -check, crossing the Mason/Dixon line, check, the half-way mark - check, eating a half gallon of chocolate ice cream in the AT Half Gallon Challenge, getting his photo taken and put in the 2012 hiker book , as well as getting a new hiker number at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy headquarters -  check, and .....ta da!.....  putting one foot behind the other in VA, WV, VA and Maryland, check, check, check, check!!

I'm so incredibly proud of him

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